Reading of Eliza Veness’ poem ‘Toilers of the Deep

We had the very great pleasure of speaking to Marie Gillooly of the Roscommon Solstice Choir, some time ago. She wanted to use Toilers of the Deep by Eliza Veness in a memorial service. (Please click this  Link to their Facebook page for the full story.) Fergus Sweeney very kindly sent us this link to the video  Toilers of the Deep Video We feel this poem reaches across time and place and is as relevant now as it was 100 years ago when Eliza originally wrote it.

Copyright remains with Eliza Veness/Hastings Fishermen's Museum for the poem and Copyright remains with Fergus Sweeney for the video. Please ask permission before you share.


New Exhibit

The museum staff are excited to welcome our new exhibit as seen in this week's Observer. Bob Arrowsmith has spent three months making this detailed model of the Cyril and Lillan Bishop in a bottle complete with soldiers being rescued. Bob told us how he made the model using his own handmade tools. The model can be seen now in our boat making section in the extension. Please come and marvel at the intricate detail. Bob has also donated his handmade tools to the museum and these will shortly also be on display. 





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