Women in Fishing Now and Then

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The Role of women in fishing goes largely unrecorded, even in this modern world their faces remain in the background. Josie Barnes, a local photographer wanted to put this right and produced this wonderful feature in the Hastings Youth Press supplement (HYP) within Hastings Independent Press Issue 230
published on 30th
June 2023. She speaks to local women  Polly Drummond & Gail White run the Rock-a-Nore Fisheries; Charlotte Swann from the NetShop Jellied Eel Bar is part of the community; and Lucy Phillips is part of the crew of RX11 at sea about their important roles in the fishing community. Click on the link below to read the feature.



Bev Lee Harling is someone else passionate about about bringing the women in fishing alive. During some family research she discovered her great grandmother was very much at the forefront and not in the background even though history said differently.