OHPS Walks 2022
August 2021 Update
We are opening 18th July 2pm-5pm!
We are finally opening this Saturday, 18th July and Sunday 19th July 2pm-5pm. Please come and support us, we need you!
We’re Good To Go which means you can be certain that the Hastings Fishermen’s Museum is following government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, has a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.
Your visit to the museum will be a little different at the moment while we work through this transition period.
- For the time being access to the boat will be restricted
- And our film corner won’t be live to prevent people gathering in that small area. However we have made these available to watch on our website https://www.ohps.org.uk/gallery-film-corner-online/
We have implemented a few changes around the museum to help make your visit as comfortable as possible for you and for our staff:
- Firstly, we ask, please postpone your visit if you have any symptoms of a cough, sneezing or generally feeling unwell, however mild (Please follow this link for further information https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/)
- We will ask you to wait at the door before entering
- Speak to a member of staff to complete a track and trace form* and sanitize hands
- For everyone’s convenience please follow the floor markings and direction arrows
- Please use the hand sanitizer provided around the museum
- There is a Perspex screen at the shop counter
- And finally please be kind to staff as these are not our restrictions, they are in place to protect us all and keep this much loved attraction open.
Other than those few things, everything is the same! Everything has been deep cleaned, the floor has been painted and Enterprise has been spruced up to make her last for many more years to come. In short, the museum looks amazing, please come and see us!!
*We would like to record your details to support NHS Test and Trace. This information will only be used where necessary to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The information will be held securely on this form in the office and will be shredded after the required 21 days.
GDPR allows us to request contact information from staff and visitors and share it with NHS Test and Trace to support public health and safety. It will not be used for other purposes, including marketing, profiling, analysis or other purposes unrelated to contact tracing.
A few photos to show how we’re looking.
All OHPS Walks Cancelled Until Further Notice
Hello all, we hope you are staying safe and sane. We are still under lockdown for the foreseeable future but as soon as we know what is happening we will let you know. With that in mind we won’t be running this weeks’ walks, and this months’ Old Town Walks. For further information please contact ohpswalks@gmail.com or stadewalks@gmail.com for Museum and History House please contact ohpscontact@gmail.com
Winter News!
As winter draws in and the nights get darker and yet more rain falls on us don’t forget the museum and history house will be opening. Check out our opening times on the home page. The museum will change to 11am- 4pm from 1st November.
There are a few events coming up so check out the events page here: https://www.ohps.org.uk/events/
Have you checked out the museum and History House shops for gift ideas? Some gifts can be purchased through the website here: https://www.ohps.org.uk/products-for-sale/products-page/
The last Stade Walks of the season are 23rd & 24th November @ 11am contact details here: https://www.ohps.org.uk/guided-walks/
Winter Opening Times from 1st November
Our winter opening times are: History House is open Thurs to Sun but will be closed Sundays through Jan & Feb. The Fishermen’s Museum will be open 11-4pm up to end of March
Reading of Eliza Veness’ poem ‘Toilers of the Deep
We had the very great pleasure of speaking to Marie Gillooly of the Roscommon Solstice Choir, some time ago. She wanted to use Toilers of the Deep by Eliza Veness in a memorial service. (Please click this Link to their Facebook page for the full story.) Fergus Sweeney very kindly sent us this link to the video Toilers of the Deep Video We feel this poem reaches across time and place and is as relevant now as it was 100 years ago when Eliza originally wrote it.
Copyright remains with Eliza Veness/Hastings Fishermen's Museum for the poem and Copyright remains with Fergus Sweeney for the video. Please ask permission before you share.